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29 01 2024New info point at Zammelsbroek in Geel

An information point has been opened at Zammelsbroek nature reserve in Zammel near Geel. From the converted shipping container you have a nice view of the nature reserve. You will also find information about the local fauna and flora.

To prevent flooding in the future, we want to give the water more space again," says provincial executive member Jan De Haes (N-VA) of the province of Antwerp.

"Zammelsbroek in Zammel near Geel is one such place along the Grote Nete where the water is given space. Here the water is buffered, the area is allowed to flood. As a result, particularly beautiful "wetlands" also grow here, says De Haes.

"By placing the info container, we want to explain to people not only what exactly happens here in this flood plain. They not only get an explanation here about water management, but also about what plants and animals you can find here."

"Moreover, you can not only go into the container, but you can also stand on top of it, so you can overlook the area from the height."

"To be able to look even further, in the fall there will be a real watchtower on the other side of the Grote Nete, which will be a lot higher, this container is of course only about three meters high," says De Haes.
